
The project experience ZAT has so far can be represented by the following projects:

Edumat+: Augmented Educational Mat” Erasmus+ project.

Project Number: 2023-1-IT02-KA220-SCH-000157934

The EDUMAT+ project has the aim to:

• Provide teaching and educational methodological support to teachers for teaching coding and STEAM in primary school

• Use coding and STEAM as an innovative tool to support and implement the teaching of humanities

• Explore the activation of digital education paths for primary schools to explore selected topics of the 2030 agenda and Humanities

The target groups involved in the project are:

• Primary school teachers

• 8 – 9 years old pupils

• Experts and researchers in the field of STEAM and coding

The project will produce the following deliverables:

• A collection of digital education infographic maps, intended for primary school classes dedicated to the themes of environmental sustainability and social inclusion

• A Training course for teachers on the use of STEAM and Coding for teaching the humanities in primary school

• A set of recommendations for the application of innovative teaching methodologies based on STEAM and coding for teaching the humanities.





The new Erasmus+ project SAFER behind the wheel (contract n. 2023-1-BG01-KA220-YOU-000150722), which ZAT is leading, is in the field of road safety and prevention of driving under the influence.

SAFER aims to:

– improve the skills, knowledge base, and level of civic engagement of youth workers on the topic of road safety and prevention of driving under the influence.

– empower and support the inclusion of physically impaired survivors of car accidents by training them as youth workers and influencers.

– raise awareness and support the adoption of safer driving practices.

The team behind the project:

ZAT – Bulgaria (coordinator)

BAZK – Bulgaria (partner)

RSI “Panos Mylonas” – Greece (partner)

Zavod Vozim – Slovenia (partner)










“Micro and project-based learning for teaching circular economy and ecological awareness in VET schools” (TREE)

The linear economy model (take – make – waste) currently in use is showing all its limitations over time: waste, leaving and landfills have become unsustainable elements for our planet. For this reason, the EU is one of the main promoters of an alternative economic system designed to regenerate itself thus also ensuring its eco-sustainability, called circular economy (CE). In fact, it can help countries to reach the global climate goals, changing the way they produce and consume goods.

A fundamental role in this changing process will be played by educational and vocational training institutions, particularly those active in the priority fields identified by the EC, in order to “engage with pupils, parents, and the wider community on the changes needed for a successful transition”. Including in their learning and training programs courses related to the CE and its principles (recycle, reuse, avoid wasting, eco-design, etc.), would enable educational institutions not only to disseminate knowledge and skills in line with global priorities on the environmental protection and with the labour market, but also to make students aware consumers and, potentially, future aware producers.

Sustainability must be conceived as a transversal theme in the courses of schools and VET institutes, that is, as a lens through which we can reconsider the other subjects that are taught.
Project period and number: 01/12/2021 – 01/11/2023 – 2021-1-LT01-KA220-VET-000034724

Erasmus+ program: Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training

Target groups: VET students and teachers

Stakeholders: VET institutions, VET teachers, NGOs in the environmental and educational sectors, green and circular companies.

Aim and objectives: the general objective of the project is to increase the employability of VET students in the process of change towards a more sustainable and circular economy and to make them aware of the environmental issue, by providing them with skills and knowledge related to those themes.

In particular, the project aims to:

  • Integrate the teaching of CE and sustainability into VET schools’ curricula and subjects taught;
  • Create a closer link between VET institutions and businesses that adopt sustainable practices;
  • Increase the attractiveness of VET schools by increasing the employability of VET students;
  • Promote the adoption of eco-friendly practices in students’ daily life;
  • Support and encourage the transition from a linear economy to a circular economy.

Results: Within TREE project three main Results (R) are foreseen:

R1 – TREE Methodological Material (e-book). A comprehensive review of ESD, CE related topics and educational policies related to sustainability in partner countries and at EU level.

R2 – TREE Training Programme. A complete training programme on ESD and the CE, divided in two macro-sections, one devoted to the teaching of more general ESD and CE topics through “micro-learning modules”, addressing also sustainable behaviors that can be adopted on a daily basis, and a second one that will explain to students how CE and sustainability are declined in specific economic sectors (wood, plastics and agrifood), through the adoption of “project-based learning” practices.
R3 – TREE Open Educational Resource (OER) platform.  A web-based online repository comprising all the materials developed throughout the project.

More details on the project web-site:

GATE: Teachers Training Programme to Support Gifted and Talented Students” Erasmus+ project (n. 2021-1-LT01-KA220-SCH-000027713), which aims to enhance the competencies and skills of primary education teachers and mentors to help gifted and talented pupils (age 8-11 y.o) develop their full potential. To fulfil this wide goal, the project also foresees the attainment of the following 4 specific objectives:

  • To design an innovative teaching methodology for GATE pupils;
  • To provide a training programme for primary education teachers;
  • To increase the academic performance of “gate underachievers” in STEM subjects;
  • To increase awareness among teachers, educators, school staff, public authorities, and education experts about GATE studentsTo learn more about the project, go to the project web-site:

 „Weaving Webs of Stories“ Project, N° 2019-1-UK01-KA201-062128

Since October 2019 Zinev Art Technologies Ltd. started working as a partner in the framework of the “Weaving Webs of Stories” project, coordinated by Finsbury Park Trust, London, Great Britain, approved by the Erasmus+. The other partners in the project come from the UK, Romania, Greece, Spain, Lithuania and Finland.

The project places the focus on the literacy issues among children and their successful inclusion in society, especially in those case when they belong to specific marginalized groups. The project will deal with the problems related to prejudices and the lack of tolerance, hindering social inclusion.

In present days it is becoming broadly recognized how important it is for children to partake in creative activities not only for the purpose of improving their results at schools, but also for improving confidence and social capital.
The project will combine the experience of all partners in the sphere of formal and non-formal artistic educational activities for the purpose of encouraging literacy and inclusion, improving students’ achievements via the power of imagination and also improving the level of inclusion in the school community.
The project will not only improve the literacy of children, but will broaden their understanding and awareness on various questions such as inclusion and equality, combined with creativity, confidence and motivation for studying and learning.

The programme, which the project is about to create and test in schools, will include the development of skills for creating and sharing of stories and short presentations. Everything that is created by the children will then be included in books and posters, which can be used as educational resources by schools.
The schools themselves will obtain new proposals for strategic approaches for improving the literacy and encouraging a positive attitude towards inclusion and equality, as well as expertise for continuing the activities and the project results even after its completion.

Planned results:
Intellectual output 1 “Strategy for elaborating a school culture for life long reading”
It will be created on the basis of a research of models of good practices for using strategies for improving literacy. It will include proof of the results from the pilot using of non-formal educational activities and will give examples of good practices and evaluations.

Intellectual output 2 “Creating a training programme for literacy and testing of a collection of activities in schools – creating stories by the participants”
The objective of this programme is to increase the level of involvement of children in activities, related to literacy improvement via inspiring workshops, using stories and other creative activities, inspiring improvement of both literacy and inclusion and acceptance among children.
The result will include a number of structured non-formal activities for students with some reading difficulties, sufficient for a 20 week agenda.

The activities will aim at improving the emotional well-being of children. This programme will provide to the young participants an opportunity for:
• overcoming barriers before the development of their own literacy

• thinking creatively and expressing themselves with confidence and appropriately depending on the different situations
• reading and listening to other read, understanding and contemplating
• working in a group and learning how to work in a group, evaluating differences and developing an inclusive attitude.

Intellectual output 3 “Creating a package of stories and educational resources”
30 creative non-formal activities will be included here, supported by a description of structure, content, objective and key messages and a specific relation to the literacy topic and professionally designed e-books for each group of children involved in the project, which will be used as materials for the groups to follow; compiled audio recordings with stories that have been told (1 for each school).

We are enthusiastic about the project, because we understand how important this activity is going to be and how the storywebs are actually going to grow into webs of literate, thinking and tolerant young people.

“Art against bullying” Project N° 2019-1-PL01-KA201-065722

Another project that keep us busy is the “Art against bullying” Erasmus+ initiative (n. 2019-1-PL01-KA201-065722), which, as its name implies, seeks to provide a needed practical resource for teachers, education providers for addressing the issue of early school leaving due to bullying. It is a major global topic that has haunted societies because of certain inherent parts of human nature and behaviour. Human nature however can evolve and hand in hand with arts, human nature usually blossoms. We need to give a chance of art to influence our schools in a way, which will remove triggers of negative emotions and reactions between the children. Stay tuned for more news as we commence on this journey together with our partners!

Here you can find all project results in Bulgarian language. The materials are provided in English language on the project web-site.




“Parsifal-the legends researcher” Project N°2018-1-PL01-KA201-050865

The Parsifal project has been funded, by the European Commission through the Polish National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme, with the aim to improve secondary school students’ achievements in literacy, making reference through traditional tales and legends to the cultural heritage surrounding them. This process can be used to motivate students to learn, making them the protagonists of their learning process.

The expected results of the project are:

– On-line repository of legends and tales related to the cultural heritage of project partners, available in English and in partner’s language

– On-line Interactive map – also available as an App for mobiles of places with cultural relevance to the legends and tales

– Essays on European legends, myths and traditional tales related, identifying common European roots.

More information about the project and its results can be found on the project portal:

diginet-logo Zinev Art

DigiNET: Digitalization and social media for adult employment Project N° 2017-1-MT01-KA204-026965

The aims of the project are to make adult learners and teachers confident on how to use social media and ICT, concerning the effective use of them for creating e-enterprises digital identity; to enable adult students to create their own e-enterprise by promoting entrepreneurial culture and social entrepreneurship.

The project will allow participants to move with facility on the European labor market and the relations with the companies during the workshops, policy makers, associations of other European countries to consolidate the effectiveness of learning community involving adult teachers, trainers and their learners and companies in the testing of the training package.

More information about the project and its activities you can find:

logo DoWellScience Zinev Art

DoWellScience Project N° 2017-1-IT02-KA201-036780

The general objective of the Do Well Science project is to increase secondary students’ achievements in science subjects. The specific objectives are to: Provide support to science teachers in promoting an interdisciplinary and inquiry based teaching approach; Develop innovative pedagogies for science teaching and learning; Make full use of ICT communication potential to stimulate students’ commitment to learn scientific subjects.

More information about the project and its activities you can find:

GoScience-logo-Zinev Art

“GoScience – creativity and enhanced comprehension in science teaching and learning” Project N° 2017-1-BG01-KA201-036209

The aim of the GoScience project is to develop youth culture of gaining comprehension in science subjects (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology) as well as to promote students’ creativity, thus making scientific knowledge better understandable and with higher probability of implementing it in real life.

More information about the project and its activities you can find:

swot project logo Zinev Art

“SWOT – Skills for Work Opportunities in Eno-gastronomy and Tourism project” Project N°  2017-1-RO01-KA202-037308

The SWOT Project aims to improve the capacity of the VET system to provide market oriented training offer and business driven learning paths to VET students of Tourism and Eno-Gastronomy, through a more effective and structured cooperation with the companies operating in the field.

More information about the project and its activities you can find:

In November 2016 ZAT started implementing the “Excellence in VET” project – Change management forwarding to excellence in vocational educational institutions

excellence in vet

The project is focused on both experience exchange among VET institutions and practical implementation of identified change management. It emphasizes continuous growth and improvements at organizational level in a long-term vision, identifying not only effective ways to be shared, but also weakest approaches to be changed and improved by learning form each other practices.

Area: School Professional Education, Vocational Education and Training

Beneficiaries: Professional schools, VET Institutions

Start Date: 01.11.2016

End Date: 31.10.2017

Role of ZAT: Partner

Acronym: Excellence in VET

Funding Programme: Erasmus +

Project Number: 2016-1-LV01-KA202-022699

The partnership consists of:

In January 2014 ZAT started implementing the Goerudio projectPromoting science education.

Goerudio - Promoting science education

The Goerudio project, funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme – KA4. The project’s contractor is Riga State Technical School (LV). The Goerudio project aims to promote scientific knowledge at all level of education by implementing innovative strategies.

Area: School and University Education

Beneficiaries: Public Authorities

Start Date: 01.01.2014

End Date: 31.12.2015

Role of ZAT: Partner


Acronym: Goerudio

Funding Programme: Lifelong Learning Programme – Transversal Programme – Key Activity 4 Multilateral Project

Project Number: 543223-LLP-1-2013-1-LV-KA4- KA4MP

The partnership consists of:

As of June 2013 ZAT started implementing the “ARCHILANDIA SKILLS – SUPPORTING THE FUTURE THROUGH RESTORATION OF THE PAST project. Contract number  BG051PO001-7.0.07-0013-C0001. The project is implemented with the financial support of the Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, co-financed by the European Social Fund of the European Union.

As of September 2012 ZAT is implementing the „EcoTASK: Exchange of approaches and strategies for development of eco-awareness” project, supported under Grundtvig Learning partnerships subprogramme of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the EU. From this page you will be able to gain access to information in Bulgarian on the activities and results of the project.

During November 2010 started the “I am not scared” project supported within the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme (KA1 Policy Cooperation and Innovation), contract number: 511645-2010-LLP-IT-KA1-KA1SCR. More information about the project can be found here as well as on the project portal:

During November 2008 started the “On Air: European media education” project, co-funded by the EC under the Lifelong learning programme, sub-programme Comenius, contract number: 142299-LLP-1-2008-1-IT-COMENIUS-CMP. Here as well as on the project portal you can find additional information on the project.

As of Jan 2009 ZAT started work as a partner under the “REVIT: Revitalizing Small Remote Schools for LifeLong Distance e-Learning” project, supported under the “Lifelong Learning Programme/ Transversal Programme / KA3: ICT”, Project No: 143664-LLP-1-2008-GR-KA3-KA3MP.
The project is lead and coordianted by Research Academic Computer Technology Institute /RA-CTI/, Greece.
Further information on the project is available here and on the project portal:

Project: “Michelangelo: Unlocking European Fine Art”
Financed by the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning programme – sub-programme Comenius. Contract number:
For more information in Bulgarian, please visit the following link. For detailed information in English, please visit the project web-site:

Project “ETALENT: Valorization of eLearning projects results focused on the effects of ICT application and innovation introduction on youth talent development”, co-financed by the eLearning program of the EU, contract number: 2006-4504/001-001 ELE ELEB14. Project coordinator is the Municipality of Novo selo. Partners: Zinev Art Technologies Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria; ESODE Srl., Cagliari, Italy; Deutsche Angestellten-Akademie /DAA/ Braunschweig, Germany. The overall objective of the project is to valorize successful eLearning projects results through the prism of the effects, which ICT applications and innovation introductions in schools have on youth talent development. Project web-site:
Further information on the project and the conducted activities can be found here.

Project „EU-EQT ADVANCE – Re – focused European supplementary qualification in tourism management” submitted under “transfer of innovation” strand of sub-programme Leonardo da Vinci – Lifelong Learning Programme of the EC. The decision to develop and apply with a transfer of innovation project connected with the results of EU-EQT has been reached on the basis of: the very high evaluation and “best-practice” award given by the German N.A. to the LdV pilot project EU-EQT, in connection with which had been developed a professional qualification compliant with the requirements of the European tourism sector –; the demonstration of the achievements of this project in November 2005 during the valorization conference in Kavarna, Bulgaria, which was attended by ZAT experts; the discussions between the partners – “innovation importers” – /organizations ZAT from Bulgaria, Romanian Association for Community Development and NEVRON, Slovenia/ in connection with the necessities for training of the target groups in Bulgaria, Romania and Slovenia . The new project – EU-EQT ADVANCE – aims at adapting, transferring and valorizing the successful European supplementary qualification in tourism management developed in transnational co-operation and valorising successfully the results, encouraged by the promotion of the respective national social dialogue within the educational systems of the new beneficiary countries, as well as within the educational systems of Germany and Italy as part of the initial project. The project will provide the target groups from the five partner countries with adapted and optimized products and platforms /traditional and electronic/ for training in development of tourism management courses, which will be pilot tested with at least 20 representatives of the target groups in each selected region.

Project „European Labour Market Competences”. This project has been submitted within the framework of call for proposals under the “Lifelong learning programme”, EAC/61/2006. Official support and approval of the project has been expressed by the State Employment Agency with the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of the Republic of Bulgaria. The idea of the proposed project is to disseminate and exploit the results of successful Leonardo da Vinci and Socrates projects, which have created products and achieved results focused on supporting the migrating labor forces in the common labor market of the European Union as far as mobility, recognition and acceptance of qualifications and skills and adaptation to new requirements and standards is concerned. The project is focused on supporting the development of the common European labour market through provision of information and knowledge not only to the people who have decided to search for employment opportunities outside of their home country, but also to those experts whose task it is to provide orientation to migrating workers. The project has been developed by Zinev Art Technologies.

Project “Networking tourism and training centres in Novo Selo and Giurgita”, Contract number: 2004/016-783.01.03.06. This project is co-financed by the EUROPEAN UNION under the PHARE programme, under the Joint Small Projects Fund for Cross-Border Cooperation: Bulgaria – Romania. The project has been developed by ZAT experts, who within the framework of this initiative, developed for the Municipality of Novo selo training modules on the topics “Agro-tourism”, “Eco-tourism”, “Cultural tourism” and “Project development and implementation” and provided the necessary training of the local target groups. ZAT experts also developed joint eco, agro and cultural tourism products for the municipalities Novo selo, Bulgaria and Giurgita, Romania.

Project “Valorisation Event, comprising of a Thematic Conference Section, Showcases Section and Workshop Section, for dissemination and exploitation of Leonardo da Vinci projects results and products focused on providing tourism related vocational training”, Contract No: BG-05-CF-011. This project has been submitted under the „Leonardo da Vinci”, Call for proposals DG EAC/92/04 “Awarding of Grants for Valorization Conferences for the Exploitation of Results from Leonardo da Vinci Projects”. The project was developed by ZAT experts, who also prepared training modules on “Main business skills”, „Rural tourism”, „Alternative tourism” and provided the necessary training for the target groups from Kavarna.

Project „ACTIONTOUR – TOURISM ANIMATION FOR UNDERDEVELOPED EURO-REGIONS”. This project has been submitted within the framework of call for proposals under the “Lifelong learning programme”, EAC/61/2006. This project has been initiated and developed by ZAT Ltd. Partners are: AHAPunkt Institut für Erlebnistraining & Projektconsulting, Austria; Deutsche Angestellten-Akademie, Germany; KEA Vocational Development Center, Greece; ONECO Organisation of Community Education, Spain; Esode E Solution Development Srl., Italy; Romanian Association for Community Development (RACD), Romania; Nevron d.o.o. and Sava, holding company, d.d., Slovenia.

Project „TADIS: Dissemination and exploitation of successful project products and results, oriented towards talent development, innovation and self-government in schools”. This project has been initiated and developed by ZAT Ltd. and is submitted within the framework of call for proposals under the “Lifelong learning programme”, EAC/61/2006. Partners are “KOLEV” Foundation, Bulgaria, Deutsche Angestellten-Akademie, Germany and Esode E Solution Development Srl., Italy

Project VIRTUAL MUSIC FESTIVAL “UNIQUE CULTURES – EU NATIONS IN DIALOGUE” initiated and developed by ZAT Ltd. This project has been submitted under call for proposals EUROPEAN YEAR OF INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE 2008, Culture programme . Project partners are also „KOLEV” Foundation, Yaway Media, Germany, E Solution Development Srl. /Esode/, Italy, Fondazzjoni Temi Zammit /FTZ/, Malta, National Foundation for Community Development /NFCD/, Romania, Organización de Educación Comunitaria /ONECO/, Spain.

As an organization or expert representation, ZAT participates in the following projects:

Project „European Mobility Skills – Mobility focused European Occupational Skills for employees and trainees”. This project has been submitted within the framework of call for proposals under the “Lifelong learning programme”, EAC/61/2006. Project initiator is Veb Consult S.r.l., Italy. ZAT experts are part of the project, together with 9 other European organizations – Italy, Germany, Denmark, Greece, Spain, Hungary and Romania. The aim of the project is to transfer the results of a previous national project on European Competences to a more mobility focused product to provide an online learning platform for employees, trainees and job seekers to help these target groups to prepare for their personal mobility activities in the European labour market, to improve and to increase their chances and opportunities.