Training course “Tactics for inclusion and engagement of diverse learners – including gifted, neurodivergent and twice exceptional” – Aug 2024

Would you like to expand your skills and knowledge in the field of successfully engaging various learners in your training events and activities? Are you interested to better understand how to correspond to the needs of learners with sensory disabilities, those who are exceptionally gifted or neurodivergent? Join us in this 7 day course at Tsarevo, Bulgaria! 

This course is designed for educators, working with diversified groups of learners, who wish to make their training offers accessible, useful and inclusive for all types of learners. In addition to skills for working with learners with sensory or intellectual disabilities, we also dive into the topic of giftedness, which is often neglected or misunderstood, and neurodivergency. The course is suitable for practitioners with different levels of abilities and experience. 

Learning objectives for the involved educators/trainers:

  • understand how UDL can be used in different settings and with different groups
  • understand the specifics of different learner groups and how to successfully include and engage those
  • understand how to recognize and respond best to the needs of gifted learners
  • understand twice exceptionality and how to distinguish needs related to different aspects of a complex condition
  • understand how to improve the social and conversation skills of people with ASD, intellectual disabilities, sensory disabilities
  • learn new ways of individual and group assessments


Day 1: Diversity in education – approaching a varied learning arena

Specifics of different groups of learners

How UDL responds to a varied learning arena

Accessibility of space and content

Day 2: Gifted and talented people 

Definitions of giftedness

Measuring, testing and the gifted person

Recognizing gifted and talented people, characteristics, behaviors of the gifted

Learning disabilities among gifted people

Foundation of the adequate teacher/trainer of gifted people

Models for identifying the effective teacher/trainer of gifted people

From a classic trainer to a trainer of gifted people

Day 3: The intersections of giftedness and the autistic spectrum (ASD) 

Characteristics and approaches for supporting and including such learners

Day 4: Organizing the educational process and environment

Training techniques, models and learning strategies

The holistic-cognitive approach to training people

Mapping and analyzing a training room

Platforms and apps

Day 5: Developing social and conversation skills of people with ASD, intellectual disabilities, sensory disabilities

Day 6: Visits to practitioner organisations and good practices in the district

(may be switched with another day if not convenient for the identified hosts)

Day 7: Practical activities – instruments for personality self-assessment and evaluation and analysis of groups; exercises for developing of creativity, thinking out-of-the-box, group work, inclusion and diversity games, etc. 

The training will be a mix of lectures and presentations, cooperative searches for effective solutions and inspirations, exchanges of practice, discoveries of experiences of other countries, and implementation of games and practical exercises together. 

The course will take place between 18-24 August 2024 in the building of Chitalishte “Georgi Kondolov – 1914” in the beautiful Black sea coastal town of Tsarevo!

To enlist, fill in this form.